Monday, February 18, 2013


When I sat in the coffee shop yesterday and successfully wrote my blog, I was actually intending to write several.  I mean, hey, how many times do you get a few quiet, sit still hours at a time of day when you don't just want to sleep? And you never know when things will get crazy and I will be grateful to have "banked" a few posts.

Turns out, a few was harder than I thought.  It's not that I can't write that many words in one sitting. But, as attractive as the thought of "banking" might be, and as integral as it has become to soaps over the past decade, part of what I love about doing this blog is the writing every day.  Sure, it's nice to see my little creations in virtual print, no matter when they were written.  But the process of writing something each day is so much a part of it, that it somehow feels wrong to have a whole slew of written pieces that just get "plugged in." For me, the process is almost as important (if not more so) than the product.

I suppose that I have always been a process over product person.  This is not to say that I'm looking to put a shoddy product out in the world.  There is, however, a particular satisfaction to the "thick of things" feeling as something is being put together.  Watching a cameraperson scramble to get a beautiful shot despite the obstacles.  Making cupcakes with a child, even if the result doesn't look as though it came from a bakeshop.  Writing each day, even if it means struggling for the creative when the work of the day has wiped you out.  It's all in the process.

So, while I do keep careful track of ideas--story starters, as it were--that come to mind, the text of what you see each day will almost certainly have been generated that day.  For me, it's just part of the process.

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