Thursday, February 28, 2013

Accepting (Embracing?) Fate

Yesterday, I fell asleep on the couch mid-afternoon.  Which is, on the one hand, one of the glories of the freelance/job search life. Your hours are yours to structure.  As long as you fulfill your obligations, work-wise and family-wise, whether you nap in the afternoon is really up to you.  Nonetheless, I awoke beating myself up for the lost hours.

At midnight last night when my middle school daughter and I finished her math homework, it suddenly became clear. My nap was fate. The only (and I love my kids, but the ONLY) reason I was able to stay up until midnight with my daughter was that I had taken that nap.

Tonight (having not taken a nap), I left a CMA program without staying to network, and ended up walking out the door with a person I hadn't seen in some time--we had a brief but great conversation, one that never would have occurred had I forced myself to stay longer.

Often, one of the hardest things to do is step back and accept things that happen.  I'm not saying that everything always happens for a reason, but I do know that the results of things unplanned often end up better than anything I could plan.

This has been a year of rolling with more punches than ever before, and I would like to think I've come out stronger for it. So, if once in a while I feel the need for a nap or an early exit, I'm going for it.  Hey, you never know what fate will give you in exchange!

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