Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It's Ten O'Clock Again

Once again, I find myself writing at night.  You would think that, with buses and trains and time at home, I'd be more than done by now, but despite the fact that I'd love to be done for the day, here I am, once again at ten o'clock.

When I worked in a place that had an "Order of the Day," there were many hours during which it was perfectly clear what was supposed to happen when.  Many days now, I may have the boundaries--dropping off a child, picking up a child--but the rest of everything just falls where it can.  And most days, writing manages to escape those boundaries. Sometimes, writing at night gives me a whole day's worth of activities and observations upon which to draw.  Sometimes, writing at night means writing half-asleep after I've worked a whole day or sat reading with a child.  And sometimes, writing at night just means writing grumpy (as my family can tell you, the "Momster" begins to appear around 10).  So if I still worked by an "Order of the Day," I would most definitely schedule blogging in earlier.

We all know how hard it is to carve out time for things, yet how many of us make "orders" or "lists" to ensure we make time for that time?  I see many people I know raising their hands--I am friends with a remarkable number of organized people, including one who is a professional organizer and a bunch who could be.  But, while at work, I happily organize information and keep others organized, at home, I am much more an "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" person, inclined to roll with what comes. Which probably makes for a more interesting blog--one that captures the ups and downs of 7am and 10pm.  Because 7am and 10pm are not the same every day.  And sometimes, that's just how life is.

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