Thursday, February 21, 2013


As the title suggests, I overslept today.  Perhaps it was a reaction to being "back to school" after vacation.  Perhaps I stayed up too late (and was so tired I forgot to set the alarm?). Or perhaps there was just something in the air--as the day went on, I found out that several of my friends had overslept too. Whatever the reason, I woke up to find it light--oh, no! Light!! (It is always pitch dark when I get up, shower, make school lunches, wake children).

Within 20 minutes of my flying out of bed, one child made it out the door, dressed, fed, and with a lunch.  Shortly after, the other two also made it out.  So, with the exception of the time it took me to recover from the shock of it all, everything basically worked out.

Some people might say this whole experience means that I don't need to get myself or my kids up nearly as early as I normally have been.  Hey, it worked, didn't it?

Others might argue that we are all going to bed too late.  Which would be true.  But mostly unavoidable.

Yet others might believe that this was my warning about simplifying my 14-course school lunches.

I choose to believe that it is a little bit of all of it.  We can aim to fix our problems so they don't result in crises.  But, in the end, since we can rarely fix ALL our problems, it really comes down to how we react when the crisis DOES come.  Today, we all, each in his/her own way, reacted.  Everyone got to the right place, and less than 24 hours later, we have all moved on to the next challenge.

Which, for me, is making sure to set the alarm.  Because I'm already up too late!

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