Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Showtime and Show Time

Tonight begins the series of shows that are the culmination of my kids' summer theater workshop. While I'm convinced that the workshop really just started, somehow a month has passed, so it's showtime. And while, a year ago, I was a free agent, able to hang out for the shows and the days in between, now I am part of a show myself, so tomorrow, it will be show time for me as well, clearing soaps to go on the Internet and the air for (I hope) an eager audience.

You would think that my working in TV makes me the ideal mom to aspiring actor kids. But my show time is so different than theirs, it is often hard for me to find the parallels. Yes, we both work with teams of people to tell stories, but often while they are out front, I am simply dealing with the nuts and bolts of getting something out. While they are worrying about their costumes, I am just making sure I have something to wear to work.

So tomorrow, I will have my show time, and I will be glad to have a show that needs my time. And afterward, I'll enjoy their showtime--costumes, music, and all. And me just clapping from the audience.

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