Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bloggers, Unite!

I like the blog format. It lets me say a little bit about a lot of things (okay, sometimes a lot about some very little things), and the commitment to do it every day is a terrific challenge for me.

I find that I also like reading other blogs--well, at least some of them. They fit into my schedule and, because they contain limited content, they leave enough to my imagination to get me thinking.

One of the ones I've discovered is Planet Preschool, a weekly offering on the Kidscreen website. I was initially attracted to this one because of my interest in children's media--it often gives me a great window into how children's shows make it to air, which is helpful for someone trying to cross over. But I have discovered over weeks of reading this one that it also gives me enormous insight into the creative process, blog and otherwise. I couldn't help but laugh at a recent entry about the writing of that blog--how what seems like a small task of 500 words can be a whole lot harder than you'd think. As a blogger who has sometimes turned to my children for a guest stint, I can certainly understand that. But with incredible wit, the writer, Josh Selig, comes up with a totally clever solution for his 500 words (no, I won't spoil it for you!).

The point is, we can all learn a tremendous amount from looking at how other people do what we do. Just as I have learned much of what I know about production from people I've worked with over the years, I love learning from other writers (including my daughter and some of her friends) who are exploring the power of this short format.

I can't say whether this one is 500 words--thankfully, I don't have to count. Just another day of another source of inspiration.

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