Saturday, May 4, 2013


After what felt like a long week, I was grateful for the company of a friend on the train, the chance to have dinner--late dinner, but dinner--with my family, and the permission to fall asleep on the couch while snuggling with my kids. And so it is that Friday's blog is being written on Saturday. And not even that early on Saturday, since, oh my gosh, I don't have to get on a train at 7:00.

This particular Friday was the end of a week in which the soaps premiered online (with very good response), the Daytime Emmy Awards Nominations were announced (and Oltl, which aired just a few weeks of shows in 2012, got 3 noms!), my kids were in multiple performances that I couldn't see in person, and we celebrated a birthday in my family and mourned a loss in someone else's. And, as I write all this, it becomes quite clear why, on this particular Friday, I fell asleep on the couch with my kids. Fridays are about celebrating the end of the week, but they are also about recovery. Recovery, so that you can move into the weekend. And recovery so that you're ready to start all over again on Monday.

And so, since it is already Saturday, I will move on quickly from Friday. I've celebrated, I've recovered (well, a little). Time for the weekend. So bring it on!

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