Monday, May 20, 2013

You Know One Life to Live is Back When...

After five weeks of shooting All My Children, the crew in Stamford is now back to One Life to Live. They're both soaps, right? So, what's so different?

Well, mine is just one view, but here goes--

I know One Life to Live is back when--

1. There's a nightclub in the studio. Shelter is back.

2. Dreams of Bo and Nora wake me up before my alarm goes off at 5. I guess I should be glad I wasn't awakened by dreams of Billy Clyde Tuggle on the All My Children days!

3. We get to decide whether to edit AJ and Miranda or Matthew and Destiny. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

4. New actors, new stories--and different pets.

5. These are the characters I've lived with for years. It's like reuniting with family. Funny (and great) how quickly the All My Children characters became my family too.

So, there you have it. Just a few thoughts from Day One (well, Day One yet again) at the place where soaps (and soap campers) live.

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