Friday, May 24, 2013

Leaps of Faith

So many things that work out in life are the result not so much of a logical progression of events, but more of a series of leaps of faith, those moments when you practically will something to happen because you believe that it can.

Like making a doctor's appointment for the time when your child's bus usually arrives, knowing full well that yesterday the bus was a half hour late. And believing that even if the bus is late, the child will somehow get to the doctor and the doctor will see the child despite the late arrival.

Like believing that a camera will have time to move to a different part of the set, even though the dialogue that was supposed to cue the move was never said and the actors are talking and moving faster than humanly possible.

Like creating something new, even though people say it won't work and there are obstacles at every turn.

Logic would be of little use in any of these situations. It doesn't make sense that any of them would work. But, with a leap of faith, and the preparation to back it up, I have seen them all work, which keeps me believing that the leap is the best way to go.

So, to those who leap, go for it, and to those who haven't allowed for a little leap of faith sometimes, what are you waiting for? A leap may take you farther than you ever imagined you could go.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right here. It's my opinion, though, that many so called "fans" want these shows to fail so they can be proven right. But I fought too long and hard for these shows NOT to take the leap...
