Thursday, January 16, 2014

Bread and Butter and Chocolate Mousse Cake

There are things in life that sustain us. Like bread and butter, they satisfy us--with income, or a sense of accomplishment, or a feeling of competence and strength.

Then, there are things in life that, like chocolate mousse cake, send us flying. Like the cake, they are not necessary--after all, they are just dessert. And yet, they fill us with euphoria, kind of like the sugar and caffeine in the cake.

It might seem that we should spend our lives looking for those "chocolate mousse cake" experiences. Who wouldn't want to experience that euphoria all the time? The thing is, we can't live on chocolate mousse cake, much as we might like to. We'd be flying all the time, unable to do the "need to's" in our lives, and not so healthy either. We need that "bread and butter" (okay, maybe that's not actually healthy, but you get the idea) to get through the every days. It's the "bread and butter" that keeps us going--and going quite well--in between servings of the "chocolate mousse cake."

So, the next time you're wondering when you're going have your next "chocolate mousse cake" experience, just thank goodness that you have the "bread and butter" each day. It will keep you going. Until--and after--that next delectable piece of chocolate mousse cake.

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