Sunday, January 12, 2014

Hurry Up And Wait

To this day, I still remember a location shoot I went on years ago. Well, actually, I don't really remember the content of the remote at all. What I do remember, however, is  talking to crew members who were used to working on films, who were boggled by the pace we were trying to keep. In soaps, there was rarely time for countless takes or multiple setups for each scene. For me, anything even resembling that felt like "hurry up and wait." So, while they were frustrated by what seemed to be a quicker than normal pace, I was frustrated by what seemed to me to be a slower than normal pace. It's all a question of your perspective, isn't it?

Even now, I feel as though I live in that soap pace (production pace, that is. Not storyline pace). I want things to come together quickly. I want to "finish an item" and move on. I want to cover all the angles at once, not sit and wait while each one is studied individually. It makes for a hurried life--or an efficient one--again, all a question of your perspective.

Funny how, all these years later, what I felt on just a day or two of location shooting still rings true. If "the floor is ready," I want to get it done. If things worked reasonably well, I want to move on. I guess that soap pace never really goes away.

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