Tuesday, January 7, 2014

You Know The Day's Got To Get Better When...

You're chasing coffee beans you spilled all over the counter while trying to grind them at 5am.

You spend most of the early morning deciding if the kid who woke up with a bad head cold is okay enough to go to school or should just stay home and sleep.

Having left the sick child home, you take the well child to the school bus, only to find out that his bus route and time have been changed without you knowing, and that you have, therefore, missed the bus by ten minutes.

You spend ten minutes trying to get a cab in the rain and then hit your head--hard--on the door getting in.

After managing to get the missed-the-bus child to school in the cab, you practically drown in the torrential rain while trying to get to work.

Though you don't drown, you, and every important piece of paper in your coat pockets, arrives at work soaked.

Luckily, with a start like this, there's not anywhere to go but up. By day's end, you are dry (though the papers and coat take a little longer), the sick child is on the mend, and somehow, just somehow, you have put it all behind you and moved on. Because with a morning like that, you know the day's just got to get better.

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