Monday, March 25, 2013

OLTL Week 2--This Is Really Real

When the alarm rang at 5 this morning, and I remembered that my kids would be on vacation and still sleeping as I made my way through the morning dark to the train, my part in this Stamford endeavor suddenly became real. This was not just a week of little jaunts to a shoot--this was the beginning of what my life will be, at least for the near future. There will be days when I bound out of bed at 5, and days when it is more of a struggle. There will be weekends when most of what I do is recover from the week. And the rest of what I do is make sure we are all ready to start the new week. And there will be many, many school vacations when I am out the door before sunrise, when it might be much more fun to sit home in my pajamas all day.

By 8:00am, I was back in this new world, almost as if I'd never left on Friday. There have been many times over the last year when Monday was my "clean-up day," full of tying up loose ends and scattered clean laundry from the weekend. Now, the cleaning up I'm doing on Mondays is about camera shots and blocking (which means that I will clearly have to fit in a lot more of the home cleanup on the weekends!) But, as we all know, that's reality, probably more real than a life with "clean-up Mondays."

It is 1am, and after a long day of shooting, I have just arrived home to stray piles of clean laundry all over my living room. So, on Day 1 of Week 2, it seems that the new reality has set in.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your updates. I love One Life to Live and I'm thrilled that so many people are back to work.
