Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Joy of Six Free Washers

A few weeks ago, I wrote about euphoria from seven cameras. This post is not that. I didn't have a transcendent moment. But I have to say, after trip one to the laundry room, when the place was so crowded, I headed back upstairs with my piled-high cart of laundry, having trip two start with a view of six wide open large washers lifted at least some small part of my stress on a day filled with arrangements for and anxiety about my first trip to Stamford tomorrow.

Somehow, no matter how you try to make work about work and home about home, there can never be a real division. Working efficiently depends on creating structures that allow you to leave home. Managing home efficiently depends on pushing work aside long enough to make sure you (and your kids) will have clean clothes to wear all week. And when fate intervenes to make either side less efficient than it ought to be (what do you mean, I can't do my huge pile of laundry right now?!), it's not pretty.

And so it was that the absence of any free large washers just about sent me over the edge, and the sudden appearance of six big empty ones became the most beautiful sight in the world.  The laundry is now back in my apartment--not back in the drawers yet, that's a whole 'nother story--and soon we will work on the sleep part of the home front.

Tomorrow, my first report from Stamford (well, at least about Stamford).

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