Saturday, March 30, 2013


After a day of chaos and noise--the sounds of 15 year olds giggling and 8 year olds playing video games then pounding out piano practice, it is suddenly quiet. Gloriously quiet.

Don't get me wrong--I wouldn't give up the chaos for anything. Half the time, I'm probably part of the source of the chaos, whether I'm exploding the kitchen to make dinner, or scheduling so many activities for us that we can't possibly have time to slow down. But, at the end of the day, I like nothing more than the silence made from no screens, no negotiations, and just settling in.

For years, I figured this was a result of working in a TV studio or editing room all day. While my husband might go through entire days with no human interaction, I was generally on overload by day's end.

Turns out it wasn't just about work, because even when I was spending hours in a deathly quiet apartment each day, I still craved my evening quiet. Perhaps it is just my way to make the transition to sleep, even on days when you'd think sheer exhaustion would be enough.

My daughter and her friends giggling (15 year old slumber party--what else would I expect?) will probably go on for hours, thankfully in another part of our apartment. For now, I've got an 8 year old who's put down his game remote for his beloved Wimpy Kid book, and a husband working out the latest crossword puzzle. The noise and chaos will start again tomorrow. For now, I'll just enjoy a little quiet.

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