Friday, April 12, 2013

Guest Writer Emily: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Writer Behind This Blog

Mom. Director. Editor. Chef. Transportation Coordinator. Blogger?

Yes, that's right. My mom, Tracy Sharon Casper Lang, does all of those things and her hair never gets too frizzy! Today we will be discussing how she does not (or can not) drop down dead from exhaustion every single day.

First on the list: Mom to the three little (well, not so little anymore) monsters, me included. Tactics for surviving and controlling the monsters: 1. Tickle time! We (me especially) are all ticklish, and it is a great tactic, and high up among the cards. 2. Buying stuff for us kids. :) Not great money wise, but it sure makes us happy! (hint hint...) 3. Last but not least, the amazing, the one and only Momster!!! This is when the hugs go away and the claws come out! Beware the Momster and never stay up too late, because that is when she lurks. How she survives: Babysitters and my dad. How we survive: Babysitters and my dad.

Next: Director and Editor. Tactics: This is not really my area of expertise, but here goes: Direct well, and don't make bad decisions. Edit how your boss wants it. This also has real world applications: Be a good leader, follow the leader. How she survives: I don't know...

What's next? Oh yeah, "Chef Supreme!" Ummmm...Maybe not quite that, but she does make great pasta! Tactics: Follow the recipe. Warning: not following this tactic could lead to disasters in the kitchen. Take extreme caution. How she survives: The Super Supreme Chef, my dad, or a rotisserie chicken from Fairway. :(

Last but (I think) not least, Transportation Coordinator. Tactics: Repeat everything two to three times, so the information sticks, write a weekly letter to those chosen few: the babysitters. How she survives: Once again, this job depends on the babysitters and my dad, although she must tell these people exactly what to do before they go on their respective missions.

As you can see, my mom does A LOT. She depends on her helpers at times, but she is often the mastermind. I hope you enjoyed my guest blog! Tune in tomorrow to read another one of my mom's MANY blogs!

So long! Sayonara! Adios! Au revoir!
-Emily :)

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