Sunday, December 20, 2015

In Your Corner

In your own corner of the world, it sometimes feels lonely and cold.

In your own corner of the world, it sometimes feels as though no one has the same view as you.

In your own corner of the world, it can be hard to see how to get out of your corner if you want to.
In your own corner of the world, it can be easy to feel stuck in the corner.

In your own corner of the world, it can feel as though no one really sees you any more.

And then you notice that there are people in your corner.

And then you realize that with people in your corner, you don't have to feel lonely or cold.

And then you discover that with people in your corner, your view can be a little bit bigger.

And then you see that with people in your corner, you don't have to be stuck or invisible.

Just when you think your corner of the world is all your own, you are reminded that there are actually lots of people in your corner...

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