Wednesday, December 16, 2015

On A Day Like Today

On a day like today, I would have been in the control room for many hours, part of a production team scrambling to finish shows before a week-long holiday break.

On a day like today, I would have been running around staging funny crew bits for the yearly "Christmas Reel," or searching through hours of footage to find the best outtakes from the year.

On a day like today, I would have been schlepping gifts from home to work, or toting exciting purchases from the annual charity book sale from work to home.

On a day like today, I might have been wearing the Santa hat that an actress gave me and everyone else in the crew twenty years ago.

On a day like today, I might have been figuring out holiday gifts for preschool teachers or treats for the class party.

On a day like today, I might have been battling the crowds to make sure everything was done in time, whatever "in time" might mean.

It has been a long time since I did any of these things, so long that there really isn't "a day like today" any more. Today, I was doing none of these things. I was simply keeping up with what is, and trying to anticipate what might be. And when there is no longer any "day like today," on a day like today, sometimes that is all you can do...

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